Like you know that nowadays internet has become a very big way of making money, people are earning millions of crores of rupees from the internet itself, you must have heard about YOUTUBE where people are losing millions of rupees, but today we are YT Will not talk about, today we are giving you information about making easy and fast money from it, along with it you will also show proof of money, –
Which is the easiest way to earn money?
Friends, today we are telling you about a mobile application that was first named Hipstar and now its name has been changed to Viggo Video – yes friends you can earn a lot of money with the help of Viggo Video and that too only 15 In seconds – you only have to shoot 15 seconds of yourself or someone else’s video, and you have to put any song or music in it and can also have a lot of effects – which is the same app Are given in More Applications – and then you upload the same app videos and your friends to share in social media such as Facebook or WHATSAPP – and just got your work – and went to start your earnings –
Now tell you how to earn – whenever you upload a video, you get a flame – and about 70 flames cost 1 dollar – and you can send these dollars to your PayPal account and there From my bank account – I will tell you soon about Pay Pal account information –
How to use Vigo Video Download
First of all you have to download this app from play store – this app only works in mobile – you cannot use it in computer or laptop. The notice of update will be sent to you.